It has been a full week

I am so glad we are at this point. The first few days the meds were really making her crazy. I only took her outside to “take care of business” when the last dose was wearing off. After a week, she is much more herself. As I have said – she hates taking pills. She seems to have just given in -like she totally understands that she HAS to take the meds. After a week, we are much more in sync on how to give her meds. It is easier on both of us. We both just want to get the pills down with the least hassle. She has not missed a dose. She is healing well and has some swelling/puffiness along parts of the stitches. I made an appointment for her 2 week assessment on Monday. I doubt they will remove the stitches as long as the area is puffy. We will see. She sleeps through the night in the small enclosure I made next to my bed. She wears a “no bite” collar at night as well. During the day, she spends most of her day on the couch. It has always been one of her favorite places to crash. Though she will never be allowed to jump onto or off the couch again, I put her on it and help her off. She seems to understand that she will not able to do these things on her own anymore because she only has one rear leg. Her attitude has been good throughout this experience. I was so surprised when she came into the room at the hospital on her own when I picked her up. I thought I would have to carry her in my arms or something. I had no idea she would be able to walk on 3 legs that soon. She was just so excited to get to go home…that crazy E collar was really throwing her off balance. The “no bite” collar works very well. And I doubt any dog could destroy this collar while wearing it – as several reviews said had happened with the “blow up” type collar. One week down…at least another to go. We will just have to wait and see what they say on Monday.

5 thoughts on “It has been a full week”

  1. Congratulations on surviving the first week…it is a hard week that’s for sure. We didn’t want nitro jumping on the couch at first either so we put the futon mattress on the floor for him – 15 months later it’s still there! (Our bed is stil on the floor too). Keep up the good job Freckles!
    Paula and Nitro

  2. So glad to hear the ADORABLE Freckles continues to do well and is adjusting right on schedule.

    Glad the no bite collar is working well. When you can, would love to see a pic of it. And bless her heart for taking her pills so well. Yuck!

    You are doing an EXCELLENT job of caring for her. I’m so glad all this is behind you now and you can get on with life! Well, almost behind you. She still has another week or two of taking it slow! Being a tripawd is hard work! Being a couch potato is a lot easier!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3. Oh, and HAP P Y ONE WEEK AMPUVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. What a turnaround, this is really great pawgress! You both have gotten the hang of establishing a new routine and it’s working out well. Congrats!

    Oh so glad that collar worked out! I will have to share that in the Tripawds Amazon Blog, thanks for the feedback.

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