Waiting is hardest part

Hope everyone had a great holiday. As I said, my vet called me Monday – Labor Day saying the test results were back. He said he would speak to the oncologist and get back with me in a couple of days. We had an excellent weekend in Fort Worth. Went to the park, took a nap or two and visited friends. And Freckles never slowed down. She and my little terrier “Scruffy” love exploring parks! And their daily walk. I will post again after the vet calls and we start down “the long road ahead”. Thanks to everyone for the support!

Lovin’ my new yet!

I am keeping this vet forever! He actually called today – Labor Day – to give me the results of our test. He identified the “sore” as a mast tumor. By the articles I have read online this is not one of the very worst cancers. But hers does appear to me to be in a fairly late stage. He is going to consult the oncologist tomorrow and we should get an appointment to discuss our options soon after. Y’all all have a great holiday…I’m off to pour a Scotch…a toast and a celebration!

The test results are back

Late Friday, I contacted the surgeon’s office and the results of the tests were back. I had them faxed to my new vet. Too bad it is a holiday weekend. I will have to wait an extra day to find out what is up. I guess that is OK…we have waited this long, we can hold on another couple of days. Fingers crossed. And yes she is the cutest, sweetest girl ever! Glad I finally got to post her picture.

Now I understand

We went to a different vet yesterday for a second opinion. What a difference. The surgery center took a sample of the fluid in her “sore”. This was Tuesday. The new vet said…slow down. The surgeon I talked to had jumped to the final solution way too soon. He explained that the “sore” was indeed cancer. But, that we would not know exactly what type until the sample comes back from the oncologist. Fortunately it is not a bone cancer. The surgeon NEVER used the word cancer. At least now I know what we are facing. Of course, I am moving all of my pets (I also have a terrier and 2 cats) to the new vet. Unlike the “jump to amputation” surgeon, the vet said when we get the results of the fluid draw and know exactly what we are dealing with then we can form appropriate plans of action. As he said, if the cancer has spread, she may only have a few months left. So it would be ridiculous to amputate! We could clean out as much as possible of the tumor and let it go. He did also say that whatever we did it is possible that the cancer would regrow – just like cancers in humans. The new vet gave me new hope. He explained that if amputation does turn out to be the only alternative, the surgeon I spoke to before was excellent – one of the best in the area. She just has “poor bedside manner”. OK, I got that. He continued, but, if the final solution is to clean out the cancer and hope for the best, he can do it in his office for a lot less than having the surgeon do the procedure. So, we are waiting for the results and WITH THIS VET, we will plan a course of action. Some may say he is giving me “false hope”. I say he gave me a full and complete explanation of what we were facing and I feel better about our situation now. As I told him, I am resolved to the amputation if necessary, but I appreciated his frankness and approach to our situation.