Our first night at home

OK, I guess the warnings were “implied”. We slept from about 1 – 4 am. The remainder of the time she whined, cried and made sounds I have never heard her make before. I am writing this a 6am. It is time for her meds and we can’t sleep for the noise anyway. The meds kicked in about 30 minutes later and she is quiet again for the first time since very early this morning. The wound is gruesome to look at. I am watching it for leakage or oozing, etc. but all seems good now. She has not eaten a thing – except meds – but she has had water several times. Last night, I tried to tempt her with her favorite foods…even whipped cream – usually a favorite – but she would have none of it. I know everyone has said that the Tramadol is the worst tasting. What’s worse, I have to give her 1 1/2 pills. This morning I covered it with creme cheese and she took it OK. Wonder how long that will work? I have no choice but to force her mouth open and drop the meds at the very back of her throat otherwise, she will spit them out. Sometimes she even works them from the back of her throat to spit them out. This is definitely going to be hell on us both. I am sure this gets easier as time passes. She will have her stitches removed in 2-3 weeks. I think I am going to clean up and see if I can catch some sleep on the couch while she is quiet and sleeping.

2 thoughts on “Our first night at home”

  1. Sounds very familiar. Except for the fact she slept a few hours. It think my beloved Happy Hannah cried and whined for 19 hrs. straight without ever laying down once. It continued off and on for several more days. I think it was around day five she and I both slept for several hours without waking up.

    Keep tempting her with any food…cheesburgers…stinky liverwurst (hides the tramadol pretty well too)…pizza, etc. It’s good that she’s drinking water. Has she peed yet?

    One think that, for me anyway, made the incision look so shoxking was how much fur theynshaved off. It was a lot! Hannah did develop a seroma and had a lot of bruising. Fortunately, never had any leakage, etc.

    You’re doing a great job!! This is not any easy time right now. Freckles will start to slowly get better and get her sparkle back.

    Sleep when you can. Getting to this point zaps you emotionally and physically. Exhaustion makes it worse.

    We’ll be looking for your next update.

    Hugs to all and a big smooch to that adorable Freckles!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. I’m so sorry, it’s a little rough at first for sure. I hope you got a nap in this morning.

    Yes pilling can be tough but oftentimes the down-the-throat method is just easier than trying to disguise them in food (which leads to mistrust). Here’s a video that may help:


    If she continues being vocal and restless let your vet know, she may need her meds adjusted. She should be calm and dopey, the sign of a good pain medication combo.

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